Privacy policy.

Privacy Policy

Last modified on May 3, 2024


RISExp refers to mobile code running under the iOS operating systems and the API that allows that mobile code to communicate with server-based data. RISExp is owned and operated by the We Believe Foundation, Inc. Unregistered users may access limited functions of RISExp. In order to access advanced functions of RISExp, a user must register.

Accepting the Terms

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully because it discusses how we collect, use, share, and process your personal information. By accessing RISExp you agree to this Privacy Policy and its terms and consent to have your data transferred to and processed on cloud-based servers. Your use of RISExp is also governed by our Terms of Use. Please read those terms carefully as well.

We welcome any questions or comments you may have about this Privacy Policy and our privacy practices. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact us via email at

How We Use Your Information

We do not share your personal data with any third-party advertisers or ad networks for their advertising purposes. We use data that we collect about you or that you provide to us, including any personal information, as follows:

  1. To provide you with the advanced functionality of RISExp and any other information, products, or services that you request from us;

  2. As described in this Privacy Policy;

  3. To fulfill any other purpose for which you provide it;

  4. To carry out our obligations and enforce our rights under this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use;

  5. In any other way we may describe when you provide the information;

  6. For any other purpose with your consent.

Your ability to access limited functionality within RISExp is not contingent on your providing us with your personal information and you may decline to submit personal information to us, however that will prohibit us from providing you with advanced We Believe functionality and services.

Facilitating Your Use of RISExp

We use your personal data to authorize your access to RISExp if you are a registered user. We also use your personal data to enable certain advanced functions within RISExp. We use the data that you have about you to provide, improve, and personalize RISExp using automated technologies discussed in this policy and the inferences we make from the information we collect.

At some point, RISExp may allow you to communicate and connect with other RISExp users to share scripture verses, messages, and other content. Communication between you and others may happen through RISExp. It will be your choice whether to communicate or connect with other RISExp users. We will use data about you to facilitate this communication should you choose to do it. We may also use contact information from your mobile device should you grant us permission to access it.


At some point, RISExp may provide geo-location enabled recommendations of events you may choose to attend or participate in. This will require you granting us permission to access your location data.


At some point, we may use the data we have about you and the inferences we make from that data to recommend content we think you may appreciate. For example, based upon a reading plan you complete, RISExp may recommend additional reading plans you may find interesting. We may contact you through push notification, email, or in-app messages to communicate these recommendations, tips about how to use RISExp, and other news items deemed of potential interest to you. You will have subscribe, unsubscribe, and notification setting options to control which messages you do or do not receive.

Service-Related Messages

We may use your information to contact you about your registration, security, legal, and other service-related issues. We will do this with in-app messages, push notifications, and/or email. You cannot opt out of receiving service messages from us, including security and legal notices.

Analytics and Performance

We Believe Foundation’s mission is to help people establish a lasting habit of daily scripture study. We use the personal data available to us to observe social, economic, and geographic trends as they pertain to the teachings of the scriptures and specific scriptural passages. The analysis of these trends aggregates data without disclosing personally identifiable information. For example, your data may be part of statistics about overall usage of RISExp worldwide and in specific countries and geographies.

We may use de-identified and aggregated user data to market RISExp, highlighting metrics such as number of mobile installs. We may use data, including user submitted personal information, aggregations, usage data such as search history, reading plan completion, scripture reading activity, etc., public feedback, and information inferred from this data to conduct internal research and development in order to improve RISExp functionality or performance. As new software functionality or content comes online, we may send messages to users advising them of the upgrades.

Polls and Surveys

We may conduct polls and surveys to guide us in the development of new releases of RISExp. You are not obligated to participate in our polls or surveys and you will have choices about the information you elect to provide.

Security and Technical Issues

We use data, which may include communications from you, to investigate, respond to, and resolve complaints about legal, security, and technical issues affecting RISExp. We may use your data and communications if we deem it necessary for security purposes or to investigate possible fraud, violations of the law, violations of our Terms of Use, violations of this Privacy Policy, or attempts to harm others.

Information We Collect and How We Collect It

Information You Provide to Us

You do not have to register to use limited RISExp functions. You do have to register to use advanced RISExp functions. Registration allows us to tailor RISExp so you have a more personalized experience. To register, you provide your email address which we verify for accuracy by sending you a confirmation email that requires a response from you.

At some point we may require additional information from you such as your name so we can personalize emails and other notifications. We may also provide you the ability to link other credentials such as your Facebook or Google accounts. We may introduce social RISExp functionality that depends on you granting us access to your contacts on your mobile device. If you elect not to grant us access, it will simply preclude you from using certain RISExp social features, while other RISExp features that do not require contact access will continue to function normally. In order to deliver certain social features, it may be necessary for RISExp to store information gathered from your mobile device on our cloud-based servers.

Sensitive Data

By your downloading and using RISExp, we do not assume that you are of any particular religious persuasion; we merely assume you are interested in the scriptures. We do not require users to provide information about their beliefs or any other sensitive data such as race, ethnicity, or national origin. If you choose to provide any sensitive information, it may be used by We Believe Foundation to create a more personalized RISExp experience for you. We Believe Foundation will only process sensitive data you provide for legitimate RISExp enrichment activities on your behalf and will not disclose this information without your express consent. We will maintain your information using appropriate safeguards discussed in this policy. You are free to ask questions via sending an email to

Use for Other Services

We may combine the information you submit to RISExp with information you submit in other ways. For example, if you subscribe to the We Believe Foundation opt-in email list and also register your copy of RISExp, the data from these two sources may get combined at some point in our user database because they share a common email address.

Your Posts and Contributions

When you submit information that gets published, displayed, or distributed through We Believe you are making a user contribution. Reading plans, comments, and images are examples of potential user contributions that we may transmit to other RISExp users. When you disclose personal information in public settings such as collaborative postings, social media, message boards, or online forums, this information may be collected and used by others. User contributions are posted and transmitted at your own risk. We cannot control the actions of other users or third parties with whom you choose to share your user contributions. Therefore, we cannot and do not guarantee that your user contributions will not be viewed by unauthorized persons, nor do we accept any liability associated with your user contributions.

Automatic Data Collection Technologies

Service Use

We log usage data when you use RISExp, including when you view or click on content, perform a search or request, install an update, seek new functionality, or use one or more of the tools offered through RISExp. Data we capture may include your browser type, browser language, and the date and time of your request. We use log-ins, device information, internet protocol (IP) addresses, cookies, and similar technologies to identify you and log your use.

Cookies and Other Similar Technologies

We use cookies and similar technologies such as web beacons, pixels, tags, and device identifiers to recognize you and/or your devices on, off, and across the different applications of RISExp. Cookies and similar technologies help us provide the best possible user experience because they allow us to recognize you and maintain your user preferences from session to session, help us keep your registration data safe, and generally improve the functionality of the products and services offered through RISExp. They also help us ensure registered user information is used in association with the correct registered user. Importantly, we do not use cookies or similar technologies to facilitate interest-based ads from third parties.

Although most internet browsers accept cookies and similar technologies by default, you can control these technologies via browser settings and similar tools. You may refuse to use cookies altogether. If you refuse to accept cookies and similar technologies by activating privacy settings on your browser, tablet, or smartphone, you will be unable to access certain parts of RISExp, prohibiting us from delivering the full capability of RISExp and preventing the use of certain features and services that require these technologies.

By agreeing to our Privacy Policy, you agree to the use of cookies and similar technologies as described in this policy. If you use RISExp without changing your browser or device settings to disable cookies, we’ll assume that you consent to receive all cookies provided through We Believe.

Device ID and Location

When you access or leave RISExp, we receive the URL of both the site you came from and the one you go to next. We also get information about your IP address, proxy server, operating system, web browser and add-ons, device identifier and features, and/or your ISP or mobile carrier. We also receive data from your devices and networks including location data. If you use RISExp from a mobile device, that device will send us data about your device and GPS location based on your phone settings and the access you have granted RISExp.

We use this information to provide a tailored RISExp experience for you and to communicate with you more effectively. The information is also collected to determine the aggregate number of unique devices using RISExp and/or parts ofRISExp, track total usage, and analyze usage data to improve RISExp functionality for all users. We may combine this information with information from third parties to provide you with a better experience and to improve the quality of our service.

We do not share any of your personally identifiable information along with your device identification or location without your express permission. When required by your device operating system or internet browser, we will ask you to opt-in before we use GPS or other tools to identify your precise location. However, we may automatically collect certain details of your use of We Believe including traffic data, location data, logs, and other communication data related to the resources you access and use on or through RISExp. We may collect information about your computer, mobile device, and internet connection including the mobile device’s unique device identifier, IP address, operating system, browser type, and mobile network. If you do not want us to collect this information, cease using RISExp.

Your Communications Directly to Us

We collect information about you when you send, receive, or engage with messages with us including when you submit personal information or requests. We retain these communications to process your inquiries, respond to your requests, and generally improve our products and services.

Personal Information

We may tie information we collect automatically as described above to personal information you provide to us to tailor RISExp to you and offer suggestions about RISExp services and features that may interest you. We Believe Foundation is constantly seeking new and improved ways to help people study the scriptures. As we improve RISExp, this may mean the collection of new data or new ways to use data. RISExp is dynamic so continuous improvement and new features may require the collection of new information. If we collect materially different personal data or significantly change how we use your data, we will change this Privacy Policy and may notify you.

Third-party Information Collection

This Privacy Policy applies only to sites and apps owned and operated by We Believe Foundation. RISExp may contain links to other websites or apps. You are responsible for reviewing the privacy disclosures and policies of those other websites and apps you choose to link to or from RISExp, so you can understand how those sites collect, use, and store your information. We are not responsible for the privacy statements, policies, or content of other websites or apps, including websites and apps you link to or from RISExp. Websites or apps that are co-branded (referencing We Believe Foundation or RISExp and a third party’s name) contain content delivered by the third party and not by us.

We Believe Foundation cannot regulate other sites, content, or applications linked or provided from within RISExp. Some content on or in RISExp may be served by third parties, including content providers, application providers, analytics companies, your mobile device manufacturer, or your mobile service provider. These other sites and apps may place their own cookies or other files on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. They may collect data or solicit personal information from you. The information they collect may be tied to your personal information or they may collect information, including personal information, about your online activities over time and across different websites, apps, and other online services. They may use this information to provide you with interest-based (behavioral) targeted content. We do not control these third parties’ tracking technologies or how they may be used. In other words, We Believe Foundation will never share your personal information in our database with any third-party entity, but modern technology allows many third parties to track your online activity and you may be served with ads or suggestions from third parties who know you visit or use RISExp and who use that knowledge to serve you content they think may interest you. If you have any questions about targeted content, you should contact the responsible content provider directly.

Disclosure of Your Information

Disclosure on Your Behalf

We may disclose personal information that we collect or you provide as described in this Privacy Policy to fulfill our obligations under our Terms of Use, the purpose for which you provide it, for any other purpose you request when you provide the information, or for any other purpose for which we have your consent.

Disclosure by You

When you share information through RISExp, that information is viewable by you and by anyone else with whom you chose to share it. If you give access to your RISExp registration information to other applications and services, based on your approval, those services will then have access to your shared information. The use, collection, and protection of your data by such third-party services is subject to those third parties’ policies.

Internal Disclosure

We may share your personal data internally within We Believe Foundation to help combine the personal information associated with various We Believe platforms with our other products and services to help provide services to you in a manner that is personalized and useful to you and others. For example, we may personalize which potential services we recommend to you based on cookies or similar technologies that track which functionalities you have already opted to receive.

Disclosure to Our Service Providers

We may disclose personal information that we collect or you provide as described in this Privacy Policy to contractors, service providers, and other third parties we use solely to support our mission. These may include cloud hosting, maintenance, analysis, audit, payment processing, fraud detection, security, communication, and development service providers. For example, RISExp uses email platforms built and managed by third parties, so some of your information is sent securely to their services in order for RISExp to offer email functionality. They will have access to your information as reasonably necessary to perform contracted tasks on our behalf and they are obligated not to disclose your information or use it for other purposes.

Legal Process

It is possible that we will need to disclose information about you when required by law, subpoena, or other legal process, or if we have a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to (1) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected or actual illegal activities or to assist government enforcement agencies; (2) enforce our agreements with you; (3) investigate and defend ourselves against any third-party claims or allegations; (4) protect the security or integrity of RISExp; or (5) exercise or protect the rights and safety of We Believe Foundation, our registered users, friends, personnel, or others. We attempt to notify registered users about legal demands for their personal data when appropriate in our judgment, unless prohibited by law or court order or when the request is an emergency. We may dispute such demands when we believe, in our judgment, that the requests are overbroad, vague, or lack proper authority, but we do not promise to challenge every demand.

RISExp Content Providers

RISExp is a delivery mechanism for content. Much of that content comes from We Believe Foundation or content providers with whom we have license agreements. Most of those license agreements allow us to share third-party content without restriction. Some license agreements, though, require us to share users’ contact information with the content provider so they can communicate with RISExp users directly. For example, some game providers require us to share with them the contact information of our users who access their game. If We Believe Foundation decided a certain third-party game was so valuable to RISExp users that it warranted this extra layer of overhead, we would be obligated to keep track of which registered users access the game and provide contact information on those users to the game provider. We will only share this personal information with the content providers who require it and they will be under contractual obligation not to share it outside their organization. Users will be notified of this disclosure to a third party and will have to opt-in before they can access the content. If you choose to access content that has a personal information disclosure requirement, your interactions with that content provider will be solely your responsibility.

Your Rights to Delete, Access, and Correct Your Information

  • For personal data that RISExp has about you, you have the following rights:

  • Deletion. You may ask us to delete all or some of your personal data. Doing so will limit the RISExp functions you will be able to access. Your email address is your primary ID within RISExp and is required in order for you to be a registered user and access advanced functions. Send deletion requests to

  • Correction/Modification. You may edit some of your personal data by accessing the RISExp system, which is the same system you used when you first registered as a RISExp user. If you need help accessing the RISExp CIS, send a message to that effect via

  • Object to, Limit, or Restrict Use of Data. You can ask us to stop using all or some of your personal data by making a restriction request via

  • Access and/or Take Your Data. You can ask us for a copy of the personal data you provided to us. Send copy requests to

Identify yourself and the information you want to be deleted, corrected, restricted, or copied. Provide contact information so we have a way of communicating with you. We will decline to process requests if we cannot verify the requestor’s identity, if we believe the request will jeopardize the privacy of others, if we believe the request would violate any law or legal requirement or cause the information to be incorrect, or for a similar legitimate purpose. We provide information deletion, correction, restriction, or copy service free of charge unless doing so would require a disproportionate effort.

If you choose to deregister from RISExp or ask that we modify or delete some or all of your personal information, we will retain whatever data is reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations including law enforcement requests, meet regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, maintain security, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our Terms of Use, or fulfill any other requests from you such as requests to opt-out of further messages or receive a copy of your data.

RISExp may allow users to contribute certain kinds of content such as reading plans, bookmarks, highlighting, notes, images, etc. Unless you have included personally-identifiable information such as name, address, phone number, etc. We Believe Foundation does not consider this type of user contributed content personal information. As a result, We Believe Foundation reserves the right to maintain this user contributed content even after the author or submitter deregisters from We Believe. Furthermore, We Believe Foundation reserves the right to share this content with other We Believe users in a way that does not personally identify the deregistered author or submitter. Deregistered users will continue to be included in aggregated, anonymized data such as download counts which are not associated with individual users.

We have no control over information you shared with others through RISExp before you deregistered. Information and content you shared may continue to be displayed in the services of others indefinitely, or in the case of transient data such as search engine results, until they refresh their cache.

Notice to California Residents – California Privacy Rights

If you are a California resident and have provided us with personal information, California law requires that we provide you with a summary of your privacy rights under the California Online Privacy Protection Act (the “Act”) and the California Business and Professions Code. As required by the Act, we will provide you with the categories of personally identifiable information that we collect through RISExp and the categories of third-party persons or entities with whom such personally identifiable information may be shared for direct marketing purposes at your request. California law requires us to inform you, at your request, (1) the categories of personally identifiable information we collect and what third parties we share that information with; (2) the names and addresses of those third parties; and (3) examples of the products marketed by those companies. The Act further requires us to allow you to control who we can and cannot share that information with. To obtain this information, please send a request to and include the phrase “California Privacy Request” in the subject line. When contacting us, indicate your name, address, email address, and what personally identifiable information you do not want us to share with third parties. Please allow thirty (30) days for a response. There is no charge for making this information request or controlling the sharing of your personally identifiable information.

Security and Protection

We Believe Foundation implements industry standard security safeguards designed to protect your data. These include using encryption for your data while it is being transmitted between your device or browser and our servers. Data provided to us through RISExp is stored in a secure cloud architecture that is ISO 27017 and 27018 certified. These are internationally recognized best practice standards for cloud service information security controls.

However, given the nature of modern communications and information technology, and that the use of the Internet has inherent risks, although we regularly monitor for vulnerabilities and attack, we cannot warrant or guarantee that information provided to us through RISExp or stored in our systems will be absolutely free from unauthorized intrusion by others, nor can we warrant or guarantee that such data may not be accessed, disclosed, altered, or destroyed by breach of any of our physical, technical, or managerial safeguards.

Processing of Data

We will only collect and process personal data about you where we have lawful bases. Lawful bases include consent (where you have given consent), contract (where processing is necessary for the performance of a contract with you, such as providing RISExp and RISExp functionality you request and acting in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use) and other legitimate interests. Such legitimate interests include protection to you, us, and other registered users and third parties, to comply with applicable law, to enable and administer our mission, to manage We Believe Foundation transactions, to generally understand and improve our products, services, and user relationships, and to enable us and other users of RISExp to connect with you to exchange information, provided that the foregoing adequately protects your rights and freedoms.

Where we rely on your consent to process personal data, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and where we rely on legitimate interests, you have the right to object. If you have any questions about the lawful bases upon which we collect and use your personal data, please contact us at

Users from Outside the United States

RISExp is offered in and from the State of Utah within the United States and your use of We Believe and this Privacy Policy are governed by the laws of the United States and the State of Utah. If you are using We Believe from outside the United States, please be aware that your information may be transferred to, stored, and processed in the United States where our cloud-based servers are primarily located and our central database is operated. We process data both inside and outside of the United States and rely on legally-provided mechanisms to lawfully transfer data across borders. This includes contractual commitments between us and companies transferring personal data that require the protection and security of such data. The data protection and other laws of the State of Utah, the United States, and other countries might not be as comprehensive as those in your country. By using RISExp, you consent to your information being transferred to our facilities and to the facilities of those third parties with whom we share it as described in this Privacy Policy.

Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices. We will post any changes to our Privacy Policy on this page. If we make material changes to the way we treat users’ personal information, we will provide a notice that the Privacy Policy has been updated. The date the Privacy Policy was last modified is identified at the top of the page. You are responsible for ensuring we have an up-to-date active and deliverable email address for you, and for periodically visiting this Privacy Policy to check for any changes.

Children Under the Age of 16

We do not collect personal information from any person we actually know is under the age of 16 without the consent of the parent or legal guardian of that minor. A parent or guardian may consent to the use of RISExp by a minor, which parent or guardian is solely responsible for providing supervision of the minor’s use of RISExp and assumes full responsibility for the interpretation and use of any information or suggestions provided through RISExp. If you believe we might have any information from or about a child under the age of 16, please contact us at If we learn and have confirmation we have collected or received personal information from a child under the age of 16 without verification of parental consent, we will delete that information.

To Permanently Delete your Account:

  1. Tap Profile in the bottom right of the screen

  2. Tap Settings in the upper right of the screen

  3. Tap Delete account at bottom

  4. Follow the instructions to proceed to delete your account

Contact Information

To ask questions or comment about this Privacy Policy and our privacy practices, you may contact us at